viernes, 29 de abril de 2016

Post 4 (week 6) "My Favourite Movie"

My favourite movie is "I Origins" and i like it because i stopped thinking about various things related to science and spirituality. The first time i watched this movie was two years ago, and generality i like see movies of action or movies whit tematic or more deep things.
The most recent movie i saw was "V of Vendetta" and i liked very much!!!!! (Natalie Portman in the role of Evey Hammond and Hugo Weaving as V... but wonderfull actors!)
And something that I would like to add is that this film takes you to think and to question certain things in life where you give accounts of the corruption that exists in the world and how important it is to fight for our own ideals and thoughts

viernes, 22 de abril de 2016


My Favourite piece of technology is my celphone. It`s a Samsung Grand Prime.
This device i got it for my birthday the last year (2015), when i was 22 years old. I use it to call and chat with my friends, i want to be informed of what happens in my people's circle and in the world, and listening to music and see the videos of dance.I use my celphone everyday and all day and i like to use it because is very funny and interesting. To end, i think my life without my celphone would be disconnedted of the reality, but i would do well because be looking my cell all day makes me dependent of it and miss important moments whit my people, my friends and my family...

Regards classmates! (:

Post 2 (week 4) >> Why did you choose this career/study programme?

Dear Students, today you'll write about:

- your dream jobs when you were a child
- other career options that you had at the moment of applying to university
- what made you decide in the end
- your experience at university until now
- the kind of job you would like to have

 > word count: 120 words
 > don't forget to leave comments on 2 of your classmates posts.

Post 1: My Autobiography

Hello, I am Paula Godoy Adel, i was born im Santiago of Chile on March 6, 1993, and i have 23 years old. I studied primary school and secondary school in Instituto Miguel Leon Prado of the municipality of San Miguel. And today, i'm study dance in the University of Chile in the faculty of arts center.
Other thing about of me is that i live whit my family, that is whit my mother, father, brother and my grandmother, and we are very happy living together
Well, as I have hobbies dancehall and funky dance music , very different dances each in my opinion.

